Facials for Sensitive, Delicate or Compromised Skin

Indulging in a facial treatment not only nurtures the skin but also offers a mentally soothing experience, promoting a sense of relaxation and contributing to the healing of the spirit. To meet the needs of those who have delicate, sensitive or compromised skin, or for pregnant and nursing moms, Plum Natural Nail and Skin Spa is extremely proud to offer homecare and skin treatments featuring award-winning Hale and Hush products.


The enzymatic action of pineapple begins the smoothing and softening of skin while increasing circulation. Specialty extracts and therapeutic masks add to the soothing, calming benefits for sensitive or rosacea-prone skin. This facial aids in reducing inflammation, providing antibacterial support, stimulating surface cell turnover for healthier skin tissue, and strengthening capillaries. Includes cold globe therapy. A soothing jelly mask calms skin while locking in hydration.

Excellent for those with sensitive skin, rosacea, or for skin that traumatized or compromised. Also ideal for mothers-to-be or those nursing.


  • Skin analysis

  • Customized 60-minute skin treatment

  • Cold therapy

  • Hydro-jelly Mask

  • Extractions (if applicable)

  • Face, neck and shoulder massage

65 minutes / $105 SCHEDULE

The Hale and Hush skincare line is designed specifically for sensitive and health-challenged skin, utilizing gentle yet effective ingredients to soothe and nourish. Their products are formulated to address various skin issues, including inflammation and irritation, providing a calming and restorative skincare experience.

Shop for Hale and Hush skincare on our shopping website or in store.